Ahh summertime, that glorious time of the year we can spend all day by the pool, at a BBQ with friends, and of course, that time of year where we are also incredibly prone to getting a sunburn. Let’s face it, nobody is excited when they notice that redness in their skin isn’t going away and feel that old familiar tightness that makes showers, clothing, and shivers practically unbearable. Luckily you have us and we have a few cures for instant relief. Let’s get started!

Take a cool, oatmeal bath
Skip the bubbles for this bath because bubbles will irritate and dry out sun-kissed skin which is the last thing you want. Why oatmeal, you ask? Colloidal oatmeal baths help with inflammation and reduce itching. To take a proper oatmeal bath either nab Aveeno’s soothing bath treatment or make your own by grinding up plain oats and adding them to your tub. You’ll soak for about 15 – 20 minutes then pat yourself dry. Rubbing your skin will irritate it, so make sure you stick to the pat dry method.
Apply ice or cold water
Applying ice or cold water to your sunburn will help calm inflamed skin by absorbing the heat, constricting blood vessels, and reducing swelling. There are a number of ways you can do this such as wrapping a cold compress in a damp cloth, saturating a cloth with ice-cold water, or improvise with a bag of frozen veggies (just make sure to wrap them in a damp cloth first!)
Apply hydrocortisone cream
During the healing process, your sunburn is going to start itching, and you’re going to be so tempted to scratch it, but instead, reach for the hydrocortisone cream. This will minimize itching, soothe skin irritation, and reduce inflammation, and since hydrocortisone has anti-inflammatory properties, it will also reduce redness, and ease mild pain.
In a word, hydrate

Make sure you’re drinking more than enough water and don’t hesitate to eat foods that are hydrating as well such as cantaloupe, watermelon, grapefruit, and cucumber.
Go ahead and slather on that aloe vera. If you have an aloe plant all you have to do is break off a leaf and apply the juice. If you’re heading to your local drugstore, make sure you find a natural, all-organic aloe vera gel. The relief will be practically instant (you can thank us later!)
Pain management
If you’re suffering from a lot of pain with your sunburn, go ahead and take an aspirin or ibuprofen. Not only will these relieve the pain, but itching and swelling as well.
Wear lightweight breezy fabrics instead of heavy, scratchy ones that will only further irritate skin.
If you’re heading back out into the sun, though if you can avoid this for a hot minute, we highly recommend doing so, make sure you’re wearing a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.