The DIY craze is upon us! TikTok has been flooded with videos of people re-doing furniture, rooms, and even entire houses, and we have to admit that the results look fantastic. However, this is not a task anyone should undertake without careful consideration. First, the supplies will still cost a pretty penny. Second, it’s a significant time investment. That’s why, although this trend has inspired many to undertake their own renovation projects, it’s not for everyone. One way to ensure you’re on the path to DIY success is to have the right tools. Here, we’ll tell you about the absolute must-haves for any undertaking.

A Multi-Tool
Whether you’re looking to customize your own furniture or give a vintage piece some new life, there’s one tool you’ll need to pull it off. This first object is one of the most versatile on the market and is aptly named the multi-tool.

This baby can do everything from sand, cut, and saw. The accessories are interchangeable, and if one ever breaks, you won’t need to replace the entire machine. It will help you do everything from customizing Ikea furniture to building your own wall decorations with balsa wood.