The internet is an amazing place to be. It is like an open library with content worth billions of dollars and years of runtime from all possible genres covering every imaginable topic one might want to learn about. If you want to learn something, it is likely someone has already uploaded the solution to your problem online. All you need is the motivation and the right resources. One platform where users can share content in the form of short videos is TikTok. This app is a huge trend and is quite popular among people of all ages, genders, racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. However, the platform has its own share of pros and cons; if used correctly, users can access countless life-changing ideas that motivate us to implement them and make our everyday tasks much easier and more effective. There are negative aspects to TikTok, where users spend hours of scrolling idly without learning anything new and just intoxicating their dopamine receptors. However, we will focus on the positives and bring you a list of 40 genius hacks from TikTok users that can bring subtle yet significantly efficient changes in your everyday life. So if you are curious to check out these innovative ideas and reconsider the users and content you follow on TikTok, let’s dive right in.

Juicing a lemon: The easy method that doesn’t make you ‘sour’
Lemon juice is used in various cuisines and beverages for its sour kick and freshness. They are a natural source of antioxidants and vitamin c, making them great additions to recipes. As useful and commonly sought as they are, juicing lemons can be much simpler and mess-free than the conventional method of cutting them in halves and squeezing the juice from each half (which comes with a lot of seeds).

This TikTok user shared an excellent and innovative way to squeeze out the juice from a lemon cleanly. Just poke a hole at one of the ends and squeeze the juice through that hole; not only will this method keep your hands from getting sticky from squeezing, but it’ll also keep the seeds contained.