Traveling is a rewarding experience. It lets you meet new people and explore new destinations while unplugging from your daily routine. Of course, everyone loves to go on vacation, but no one enjoys the packing that comes along with it. It’s hard not to forget essential things, and it’s too easy to take too much with you. While we’d love to do your bags for you and spare you all the trouble, that’s something you’ll have to deal with by yourself. Still, we’ve managed to put together a list of travel hacks that should save you time, stress, and money on overweight baggage fees. We hope they make your packing experience less tedious next time you go on a trip.

Wear the heaviest items
Although the checked luggage weight limit is fifty pounds, it’s pretty easy to go over it. Most of the time, people end up kneeling on the departure lounge floor, frantically scrabbling through their suitcases to find things they can remove, wear, or put in their hand luggage. It’s embarrassing, but no one really wants to pay an excess baggage fee.

While you can’t leave your heavy coat and sturdy boots at home, you can always wear them on the flight. That should make your bag much lighter. Keep in mind that going through security may take longer because you’ll have to take these clothing items off. However, it’ll still be better than paying extra to bring your best clothes on your trip.