Call us basic or whatever, but we can’t actually pass a Starbucks without stopping by for a little caffeine boost. If you can get down with that, then you will appreciate the heck out of these Starbucks hacks!
Download. The. App. (and Sign Up For Rewards!)
We cannot stress this enough. Those points add up fast especially if you’re known to stop even just a couple of times per week. You’ll be getting free drinks in no time. Plus, if you turn on notifications, then you’ll always know when a promotion is happening and that often means free drinks!
Bring your own cup! We could probably all do a little more to help this planet of ours, and something seemingly small (that is actually a big deal when you think about it!) we can do is forgo the plastic cup at your local Starbucks and bring your own instead. Not only are helping the planet, but you’ll save .10 on your order! (It adds up, we promise!)
Tea to Go
If you’re an avid tea drinker, ask for your second tea bag to go. See, when tea is brewed it’s done so with two tea bags, so ask your barista for your second bag to go. You’ll have your cup and your tea bag, then all you’ll be missing is the hot water.
French Pressin’
If you’ve got a work thing at Starbucks, or you’re meeting friends, or you’re just really exhausted and have a lot to get done, go ahead and order the French Press pot of coffee. You’re guaranteed a few cups of coffee at a lower price than it would have been to order three separate drinks.
Go Easy on Us
Have you ever gulped your drink down to realize there is probably more ice left in your cup than coffee in your system? Just ask for light ice!
Three for One
Order a Trenta drink with no ice, then three grande cups with ice and you just got yourself three drinks for the price of one! This is a great hack if you and a couple of your friends are in need of a little afternoon pick me up.
Don’t be Shy, Customize It
If you use the app for mobile orders or in-store pick-ups, order an iced espresso then customize it to make the drink you would ~typically~ order. This will save you some major coin.
Shots! Shots! Shots!
The next time you go to order your venti latte, ask for it iced. (Assuming you like iced lattes, of course!) Iced lattes come with three shots of espresso versus the hot lattes that only come with two. The real kicker here is that not only do hot lattes only come with two shots regardless of the size, but the only reason you pay more for a venti versus a grande is to cover the extra milk and syrup used.