We have to admit that we’ve had it with this heat wave and these temperatures and this drought, and we are in fact fully ready for fall to greet us with a brisk breeze. But we know that we are, unfortunately, several weeks from all the fall fun. So in the meantime, we’ve created the ultimate fall bucket list and if you need us, we’ll just be over here counting down the actual seconds until we start crossing things off the bucket list.

Pumpkin Head Photoshoot
We started seeing these photoshoots all over TikTok last fall and as usual, we’re late to the party, but we are more than ready this year. Plus what great decor to have around your house during spooky season.
Live on Only Pumpkin-Based Foods
Okay, well, we probably can’t do that, but we can sure try. We’re talking pumpkin french toast, pumpkin monkey bread, monkey cinnamon rolls. There is nothing better than baking something that smells and tastes delicious on a crisp fall day with the windows open.
Book a Cabin Somewhere Scenic
We want to wake up and see a light fog drifting gently over sapphire blue waters, then watch as the sun rises over the mountains casting a beautiful yellow-orange glow over the trees as far as the eye can see. Then, you know, enjoy some pumpkin pancakes on the balcony, because pumpkin.
Carve or Decorate a Pumpkin

Better yet a pumpkin we chose ourselves at the pumpkin patch.
Host a Scary Movie Night
Remember being a kid and going to Halloween parties with your friends only to get zero sleep because you swore The Blair Witch Project was based on true events? We want that again but as adults. And with a good snack like a spooky charcuterie board. And wine gotta have wine.
Burn All the Fall Candles
We don’t think there is anything better than the smell of fall. And if you live somewhere that stays pretty warm most of the time (thanks a lot, global warming) sometimes lighting a fall candle really helps put you in the spooky season spirit.
Get Really Into Decorating for Fall
So what if we start in late August?

One Word: Soup.
Fall means it’s officially soup season and we can’t wait to get the party started. Maybe this is the year we host a soup night among friends complete with a soup bar, various breads, and, of course, dessert.