Rubber bands are a staple house object. You may take them for granted, but these ring-shaped items are useful in countless situations and can get you out of trouble quickly. When you were a child, you probably catapulted them using your fingers to annoy your siblings. Now that you’re a grown-up, chances are you use them to close snack packages or seal that plastic bag containing a loaf of bread that would otherwise get hard as a rock and be inedible. But rubber bands offer more helpful ways to fix everyday problems that are often overlooked. From creating colorful tie-dye T-shirts to protecting your TV remote and measuring how much liquid you’ve drunk from your cup, here are some effective rubber band hacks that will truly impress you.

Avoid food from falling off your Tupperware
Imagine your friend is hosting a party and you were asked to help with the food. You spend hours looking for the tastiest recipes online and manage to arrange your meals into different containers to take with you in your car. But half of the containers are faulty, and you can just tell you’ll arrive at your friend’s doorstep empty-handed and with a dirty car.

To prevent this disgusting issue from happening, try securing your Tupperware with rubber bands. Place one on top of the other and wrap two rubber bands around them in a + shape, just like in the picture above. Thanks to this tip, you won’t have to drive slowly and show up late at your gathering. All you need are your trustworthy rubber bands.