Traveling is fun, but getting ready to walk out the door can be super stressful. Let’s take the stress out by giving you tips on what to pack, how to pack, and when to pack!
Begin with a list
It’s embarrassing how many times I’ve arrived at my destination without everything I planned to take. As someone who has traveled to 42 countries and 33 states, you’d think a seasoned pro like me would have it perfected, but the truth is that there is so much involved, it’s easy to forget things. Making a list ensures that everything ends up in my suitcase and there are no last-minute dashes to the store once I reach my destination. I start my list two weeks in advance and add to it as I think of things. Each item gets checked off twice: once when I gather it in a central location and again when it enters my suitcase. I try to have everything packed two days before I leave for longer trips and at least the morning before shorter trips.
Pack Only The Clothes You Need
We’ve all heard the jokes about wearing the same outfit at home four days in a row while taking four outfits for each day on vacation. Unless you’re planning on playing in the mud or bringing a baby that can ruin multiple shirts per day, you won’t need that many clothes. Whether you’re traveling by car, train, boat, or plane, you’ll be lugging your suitcase at one point or another, and you don’t want twenty extra pounds. At most, two outfits per day will suffice—one for the daytime and one for your fun evenings out. Bathing suits don’t count! They weigh very little and having an extra bathing suit or two is always a good idea.
Double-Check Travel Restrictions
While I’m sure you’ve thought of this one already, it’s always good to double and triple-check. There are some items you might think aren’t allowed on a plane, but are if you’re carrying on or checking the bag, and some that will cause all sorts of problems. You don’t want to get delayed at security because that cute travel-sized bottle kit you bought isn’t small enough. Cruises also have restrictions, so check the website of your chosen voyager. Royal Caribbean doesn’t allow baby monitors or clothing irons, which I’ve learned the hard way. Make sure all of your prescriptions are in the appropriate containers, too! Anything that is not in its original container is considered illegal, and both airports and cruises will dispose of them permanently.
Don’t Overestimate The Size Of Your Luggage
Remember my double-checked list? This is important because sometimes, you can overshoot the size of your luggage. Once you’ve gathered everything in a central spot, it’s time to pack it. Go back through the list and decide if each item is truly necessary. Some airlines and cruise lines have limits on the weight of each bag, but luggage can also only fit so many items regardless of those limits. A checked bag can bust if it’s too full, creating chaos for airline employees and yourself on the other end. Remember to pack an extra suitcase or leave room in your bag for souvenirs!
Now that you’re all packed don’t forget to sit back, relax, and scroll the Instafeed of your destination! It’s time to get excited! #Bonvoyage!