These Moms came Up With The Best Hacks You’ve Ever Seen

by Shelley Thompson

Moms are superheroes in disguise! But let's be real, being a mom is hard work, and sometimes you just need a hack to make life a little easier. That's where these moms come in - they've come up with some of the most ingenious and hilarious hacks that will make you say "why didn't I think of that?"From using old Lego parts as a phone stand to figuring out how to never lose the remote control, these moms are a true inspiration. Even if you're not a parent, you'll find something in this article that will make you laugh, nod your head in agreement, and maybe even inspire you to come up with your own mom hack. So sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and get ready to be amazed by the brilliance of these super-moms. 

This mother found a way to clean LEGOS

Dirt and grime on LEGO bricks can be a real headache for parents. But worry no more! Discover the clever hack that will leave your LEGO pieces spotless in no time.

Say goodbye to scrubbing individual bricks. This ingenious mom discovered a simple solution - just toss them in the washing machine! Place the bricks in washing bags, use the delicate cycle, and let the magic happen. Your LEGOs will come out looking as good as new!

Independence in a Cup for Kids

Tired of hearing those words, "Mom, could you bring me a glass of water?" It's time to empower your kids and encourage self-reliance with this clever hack.

Bid farewell to constant trips to the kitchen. These smart parents used command strips to hang cups at different heights for each child. With their very own cup always within reach, your little ones can quench their thirst without needing your help.

A Traveling Companion for Happy Babies

Traveling with a rear-facing baby seat can sometimes make them feel disconnected. But worry not, here's a brilliant solution to keep your little one entertained and safe on the road.

Take a simple freezer bag and transform your baby's travel experience. Slip their screen inside the bag, hang it from the seat, and watch as they enjoy the ride while staying secure. Happy baby, stress-free journey!

Mom's Little Secret To Happiness

Want to indulge in some secret candy pleasures without your kids catching on? This mom has a clever trick up her sleeve to keep those sweet treats all to herself.

Enter the world of candy camouflage! Hide your delectable goodies inside your coffee cup. It's a stealthy move, but beware, kids have a knack for discovering hidden treasures. Enjoy your clandestine candy moments before the secret's out!

From Toy Annoyance to Furniture Helper

Kids' toys seem to take over every corner of the house, causing frustration. But what if we told you those pesky toys could actually become your furniture's best friend?

Before you toss them away in frustration, consider this brilliant hack. Use your child's roller skate as a makeshift furniture mover. Say goodbye to back strain and hello to effortless sofa rearrangements. It's time to give those toys a new purpose!

The Glitter Battle Conquered

Glitter seems to have a mind of its own, spreading chaos wherever it goes. But fear not, this ingenious mom has unlocked the secret to taming the glitter storm.

Get ready for glitter control 101. Organize, separate colors, and dispense only what you need. Salt shakers become your allies in the glitter war, bringing sanity and order to your craft projects. This mom deserves a standing ovation for saving us from glittery mayhem!

Unmatched Sock, Meet Wrapping Paper

The mystery of disappearing socks remains unsolved, but here's a creative way to repurpose those lonely, unmatched socks. Say goodbye to wrinkled wrapping paper!

Unroll your wrapping paper only to find it crinkled and unsightly? Fear not! Take an old sock, cut it up, and slide it along the wrapping paper's core. Voilà! Wrinkle-free wrapping paper, thanks to the humble sock.

Remote Control Rescue

The remote control: a tiny object with a knack for getting lost at the most inconvenient times. But not anymore! Here's a mother who has mastered the art of remote control safety.

Losing sight of your remote is a thing of the past with this genius hack. Attach the remote to your child's trusty ruler, ensuring it's always within reach. Never scramble through cushions or search high and low again. The remote control is forever tamed!

A Mask's Second Act

Wondering what to do with all those leftover masks from the pandemic? Get ready for a creative, practical, and humorous solution that will leave you chuckling.

Don't let those masks go to waste! Give them a new purpose as unconventional Christmas decorations. Hang an old mask on your tree for a touch of whimsy and a reminder of the times we've overcome. It's a lighthearted way to repurpose those masks!

Diaper: The Unexpected Hero

Diapers are more versatile than you might think. Beyond their intended use, they can save the day in unexpected situations. Here's one mom who discovered their secret superpower.

In a moment of crisis, this resourceful mother grabbed a diaper to shield her children from a sharp object while driving. It's a simple yet effective way to ensure their safety in potentially hazardous situations. Diapers: a multitasking hero!

Crumb-Free Kitchen Magic

Preparing food for your kids often leads to a messy aftermath. But fear not, this mom has a creative trick that will keep your kitchen spotless.

Introducing the burrito funnel! By letting her daughter eat a burrito over a kitchen funnel, this mom brilliantly collects every crumb. No more tedious clean-ups or stray bits of food. It's a game-changing hack for a cleaner, more efficient kitchen.

She uses LEGO for everything

As tired parents there's nothing we love more than hacks that improve our lives. Plus, if they also save us money and make use of things we already have at home, all the better. This hack is just like that.

Why buy a phone stand when you have Lego blocks at home? We can really imagine Apple collaborating with Lego and releasing an expensive version of the product, so keep in mind who came up with the idea first.

This mother doesn't need a microwave

As a mother, you must find creative solutions to every situation. We've all been there when we're out in the car, the baby needs to be fed and we have nowhere to heat it. Well, this mom found a way.

While we do not recommend using this tip on a daily basis, this hack is there for you when you're stuck in this situation. Finding the closest heat source was in the car, this mom stopped at nothing to feed her child.

This mom glued pennies to her kids' shoes

When you have children, the expenses never seem to end. So when your child decided to start tap dancing, the first thought is probably how expensive this hoppy will be. But there's a way around it.

This mother thought outside the box, and came up with a solution that helped save some dollars. Yes, it does seem strange at the beginning, but it's creative, savvy and saves money - teaching children a lesson in the process.

She's the Gordon Ramsay of home cooking

Getting children to eat certain things is a challenge. Some parents “hide” vegetables in their children's food. But this case is even better. This mother wanted her kids to eat whole wheat bread and seeds, and she knew exactly how to do it.

In her chef's outfit, she toasted the bread, cut it into strips, and put ketchup on it. If you look at the picture too fast, you'll think they're fries. Her creativity deserves applause. Let's just hope the kids liked the taste. 

This mom found a life-changing product

While twins will give any parents great happiness, they will also bring a lot of sleepless nights. One cries and sets the other one off, and then it's game over. So any product to make this easier will be music to parents' ears. 

This removable divider can work for any cradle that needs to divide the kids. If you're a DIY enthusiast, you could even make one yourself. Looking at the picture it seems all you need is a pole, some gentle fabric and strong tying threads.

Other mothers would call it a kitchen fail

Holidays or weekends are ideal for carrying out activities with the family's youngest members. Going for a walk, playing sports, or going to the park are amongst the most popular. But what if it rains? In those cases, cooking and baking with the kids can be an entertaining plan.

This mother decided to make a gingerbread house with her children, but it didn't turn out as expected. The tiny house collapsed, but she didn't give up. She took a scary toy dinosaur and put it next to the gingerbread house to create a movie scene. We're sure the kids loved this idea.

She beat the cold

Besides feeding and taking care of her babies, a mother also needs to take care of herself. This can include many things, such as eating right, exercising, or just doing something she enjoys. Some parenting activities aren't the most fun, but there are ways to make them more pleasant.

This mom discovered a way to take care of a delicate part of her body. To avoid putting cold pumps on her skin in the winter, she just put them near the electrical heater. The plastic warms up, and her body doesn't suffer from the cold shock—an excellent way to make an everyday task more comfortable.

She made a flower bed out of an old toy

If there is one thing we can be sure of: children grow up very fast. They outgrow their clothes quickly and stop using some toys within a few months of buying them. It is prevalent for children to leave their old toys in storage and replace them with other toys.

Many mothers choose to give these toys away to other children, which is excellent. But this mother managed to find a new use for an old toy in her house. She was faced with two situations. She didn't know what to do with her children's old sled. And the second: she needed a new flowerbed. The equation was straightforward.

She used an empty tampon box, and it worked

Sharing is essential. It is an action that you do voluntarily; it's a gesture of generosity to others. But when others decide to take your things without permission, the situation changes. We know that you should always try to solve problems by talking. But when someone messes with your beloved children, you can lose your mind.

This mother discovered that someone was eating her daughter's cookies, so she did what any mother would do: she hid the cookies. The way she did it is hilarious. She took an empty tampon box and stuffed the box of cookies in there. We're sure no one will check that box, and those cookies will be safe.

She figured out how to get her kids to eat more fruit

It's hard to get kids to listen to us, especially regarding health. Keeping them away from candy and getting them to eat fruits and vegetables can be a real challenge. Sometimes it's not enough to explain why they need to eat these foods; that's why mothers often cut vegetables into tiny pieces and “hide” them in food.

But what this mother did was entirely out of line. She took a juicy red strawberry and put it in an ice cream cone. This way, younger children would be more tempted to eat the fruit. We're not sure up to what age children would fall for that trap, but if it worked for her, we trust it.

We bet this mom's skin is always glowing

We've learned a lot about skincare in recent years, especially for the face. With the rise of social media, skincare videos have reached all of us so that we can give love and health to our skin. In addition to using the necessary creams and tonics, it is important to cleanse our faces every day and every night.

This routine is even more critical if you use makeup. Though it can be difficult when you don't have all the necessary tools, it's not impossible. This woman didn't have remover pads, but she found a way to remove her makeup. She just used a panty liner she had in her purse. The material is the same: cotton. Her logic is undeniable.

When this mom ran out of diapers

We have already seen the case of a mother who warmed her baby's bottle on the car engine. And it won't be the only case of “mother in a hurry” you'll see today. Being away from home is always a reason for emergencies since we don't have all the comforts and tools.

This time, diapers are the main characters. This mother had to live every parent's nightmare and ran out of diapers in the middle of the street. However, she didn't let the situation get her down and found a quick solution to the problem. She probably looked inside the car, and there it was: a grocery bag.

This mom found the best coffee hack ever

Some days our natural energy is not with us, and we wake up with the battery at 5%. In those days, a coffee cup helps anyone meet their daily obligations. But what if you had a baby to take care of in addition to your usual responsibilities? Maybe, in that case, a single cup of coffee is not enough.

This mother thought the same as us. Instead of taking up several cups or going to the kitchen many times to refill her cup, she thought of a more practical option. She just put a straw in the coffee pot. We don't know how many liters are in that coffee pot. We just hope it wasn't too much.

Her trick for childproofing the house is the cheapest but most effective

We've already talked about child safety, and this should be the most important thing. Besides sharp objects, one of the most common problems when living with kids is electrical sockets. Those full-of-holes squares on the wall are tempting for children and their little fingers. But to keep them out of harm's way, you have to cover the sockets.

Instead of spending money or covering them with ugly duct tape, you can do what these parents did. They realized that the wet wipes package had a lid that fit perfectly over the socket. And they sure had some wet wipes left over. No screws or nails were needed, they just snapped the top on, and that's it.

This mom gets all the praise for a reason

What is better than something that looks adorable but is also beneficial to children's development? Not much, and in this case, it's a bed that was shared by one inspiring mother. Have you ever heard of a Montessori bed?

According to Monterssori, children thrive when they can move and learn independently. The Montessori bed features a mattress without railings around it, close enough to the floor that the child can climb in and out. You can find many beds like that online or even make one yourself if you're a DIY enthusiast.

She reused a coffee cup lid

Adults not only face particular challenges when it comes to children, but we may also have some problems related to other little beings. We are talking about our beloved pets. They can also be a challenge at home, even more so if we have children and pets. One common problem is how to keep our pets' food fresh.

You open the can, give some food to your cat, and the rest is just left there. Before dirtying a storage container, top off the lid of a plastic coffee cup and put it on top of the can. You will see that it fits perfectly. The idea belongs to the clever and resourceful mom who posted that picture.

It was quite clever of her to use a diaper for THAT

Mothers have too much on their minds, which can cause them to forget some details. This woman forgot something essential for a new mom: bra pads. Without them, a day away from home can be extremely difficult. In a typical scenario, she could have gone to the store and bought some. But what if she couldn't leave where she was?

For example, if she were in the doctor's waiting room, she wouldn't want to leave and miss her appointment. This woman just took something every mom always carries with them: diapers. And she used them for what they are made for, to absorb. Her idea worked perfectly, as she took a photo to share her hack.

No more cold hands for this mom

Cold drinks are delicious, but they have some downsides. For example, your hands freeze, or the surfaces where you place the cup get wet. Indeed the market already has this covered, and there must be protectors to keep your drink from chilling your hands. But if you don't want to spend extra money, you can follow this lady's advice.

She was tired of her hands getting cold, so she took one of her baby's diapers and wrapped her cup in it. The diaper did its job: it maintained the temperature and absorbed any excess liquid. She was so proud of her idea that she took a picture of it and shared it with her followers.

She found a solution to this annoying issue

Not all of the hacks have to do with diapers. And not all of them are exclusive to parents. Here's an idea that can be useful for all readers, even those who don't have kids. Foods that come in bags are often challenging to preserve, as they quickly get wet. The perfect example is a bag of chips.

Many people buy snaps to seal them or use containers to store them. But at home, we have something that can help us preserve our chips without spending money. They are hanger clips. You just need to take them off the hanger and use them on the bag you want to seal.

Mom's clever hack for socks gone missing

Besides the remote control and keys, socks are some of the most commonly lost items. They can get lost in the bed, the closet, or the washing machine. We always end up with a sock that has lost its pair. But instead of just accepting this situation, we can find ways to prevent it from happening again.

Here are a couple of tips for that. One of the best hacks is to do what this mom did: sew buttons on the socks, so they stay together during washing and don't come off or get lost. Another good trick is to tie one sock to the other, but we don't think it's as effective as buttons.

No drop of wine goes to waste with this hack

We will present you with another hack that will be useful for parents and non-parents alike. We all need a night to ourselves. Watch a movie, eat a nice meal, and drink delicious wine. Yes, we all need it, especially parents. If you've had a couple of drinks and didn't finish the bottle, don't throw it away.

You can still have that bottle for another movie night, even if you don't have the original cork. It would help if you had a string cheese stick to place in the bottle's spout (it fits perfectly). Just make sure the cheese is tightly closed and sealed, so your wine doesn't end up smelling like cheese.

This mom shares her tip for dealing with children's tantrums on car journeys

DIY lovers? You will love this car seat protector sewing project. Not only does it keep the back of your seats clean and footprint free, your children can have so much fun putting their favorite toys, books and pencils in the different compartments.

The mother that shared this project promises it's very easy and simple, not to mention completely washable. All you need is some different fabrics cut into different sizes, and then the design can be put however you want before sewing it all together.

Mom finds a way to get kids to listen

Sometimes, it's complicated to explain some situations to children. But most of the time, they are more prepared to understand the truth than we think. We believe it's better to just explain things to them, but sometimes it's also good to show them examples. This woman wanted her whole family to have their vaccination cards so they could travel.

But some of the younger members of the family didn't want to. She had an excellent idea: she made a vaccination card for one of Santa's elves on the Christmas tree. It is cute and a great way to teach children that we are all equal and have to abide by the rules.

Fresh food is this mom's thing

Keeping food in good condition is crucial to avoid wasting it. You'll see how this mom came up with a great idea to preserve and maintain her snacks fresh. If you don't want to chew wet snacks, this hack is for you.

You need the label from a new t-shirt or pants to stick on the bag. The tag works like duct tape and seals the package to keep humidity out. Some say that lazy people always find a way to make any job faster and easier. The person who discovered this trick must be one of them.

This super glue hack is a lifesaver for moms

All of us who have ever played with dolls know that the shoes of these toys always get lost. They are tiny, so finding them is an almost impossible task. We don't have a hack to help you find those little shoes, but we do have an idea to keep them from getting lost in the first place.

This mom had a great idea. She used glue to attach the shoes to the doll's feet. When we see this, we can't help but wonder how we didn't think of it sooner. The only downside is that the doll won't be able to change her style, as she will always have the same pair of shoes.

Lazy or genius?

Going to the grocery store doesn't seem a difficult task; it can even be a short walk for some. But if you have to carry many heavy bags, it can become a complicated job. The car makes everything more manageable, but you have a stretch to make from the car to the kitchen when you get home.

If you don't want to make three or four trips carrying the bags, you can do what this mom did. She used a kind of cart or wheelbarrow she had at home. She put all the bags there and wheeled the trolley into the kitchen.

She came up with a creative (and cheap!) solution

Children's height often makes it impossible for them to perform tasks independently. Reaching a doorknob, washing their hands in the sink, or turning on the light, can be exhausting for you and frustrating for them. But human beings always find ways to make their lives a little easier, no matter what conditions they find themselves in.

One clever mother figured out that she could create a light switch extension. How did she do it? Very simple; she just used a long straw. She taped the straw to the switch, and voilà: now, her kids can turn on the light whenever they want. Let's hope those bulbs don't burn out.

She was super hungry, so she came up with this hack

Going from one place to another and always thinking about our responsibilities keeps us so busy that sometimes we forget the most important thing: our health. Eating well is essential for being healthy and having the energy to face the day. If you stayed at work and your food got cold, don't worry; we have a hack for you.

This woman was so hungry she wasn't willing to give up her fries. But cold fries aren't delicious, so she had an idea. She took some fries and placed them on the car heater. The trick must have been effective, but the smell of potato chips will linger in that car for a long, long time.

This mom is done with dishes

Household chores can be tedious for anyone. And when there are children around, the duties multiply and become more challenging. Mopping the floor or doing the dishes can take hours if you have a baby to take care of at home. But you know, parents are always looking for ways to ease these burdens.

What you just saw looks pretty straightforward, but we don't know if anyone has thought of it before. This mom was sick of washing dishes, so she cut a hole in the side of the popcorn bag. This hack will save her from having to wash one more plate. Plus, the paper absorbs the oil from the popcorn. Very clever of her