It is essential to pay attention to our Vitamin D levels, particularly during winter. Vitamin D plays an important role in the body by strengthening the immune system and supporting overall well-being. With colder nights and short days, the amount of sunlight we receive drops significantly; thus, there is a need to seek other sources of Vitamin D. Here are the many strategies to keep your vitamin D optimal during the dark season.
Consume Vitamin D-rich Foods
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that improves the body’s organs and tissues. According to research, the tolerated upper intake level for vitamin D for adults and children ages 9+ is 4,000 IU (100 mcg), and many people fall below this optimal level.
You can easily improve your body’s Vitamin D level by eating Vitamin D-rich foods such as the flesh of fatty fish and fish liver oils. Vitamin D is also found in smaller amounts in egg yolks, cheese, and beef liver. Ensure you include these food types in your diet this winter.
Consider Supplements
Taking a Vitamin D supplement is another way of boosting your levels. These supplements supply a high amount of Vitamin D when compared to eating its food sources.
Vitamin D supplements are also safe as many medical brands ensure their products are carefully formulated to contain precise, safe levels of Vitamin D. You can get a prescription from your medical practitioner.
Get Sunlight Exposure
In addition to eating Vitamin D-rich foods and taking supplements, it is still important to get some sunlight exposure during winter. We advise you to go out for at least 30 minutes every morning between 8 and 9 a.m.
Also, reduce the amount of sunscreen you apply during winter, as it can reduce the formation and absorption of Vitamin D3. You could skip your sunscreen for some time to ensure you enjoy every trace of sunlight winter offers.
Increasing Your Intake of Calcium
As you increase your Vitamin D intake, complement it by increasing your calcium intake. Like Vitamin D, calcium is particularly essential during winter to prevent joint and bone damage. Ensure you eat calcium-rich foods such as milk, yogurt, cheese, and green vegetables.
Taking calcium supplements is another surefire way of increasing your calcium intake. Optimal calcium and vitamin D intake protects your immune system and reduces the risk of osteoporosis and other joint issues in the long run.
Try a UV Lamp
A UV lamp that emits ultraviolet radiation, which is similar to sunlight, can produce Vitamin D3. It is an excellent alternative for people with Vitamin D3 deficiency who are unable to receive enough sunlight during winter.
These UV lamps are generally safe and can be purchased online. There are also Vitamin D3-specific lamps that are designed to supply Vitamin D. However, they cannot supply sufficient amounts of Vitamin D when compared to the sunlight itself.