When it comes to surviving in nature, the most important thing is to take advantage of all the natural resources that abound. However, in order to do so, there are many things to first consider, such as learning what species of edible plants grow in your area as well as knowing where to find natural sources of drinkable water at all times. While survival kits are a must when out in nature, if yours is lacking a specific tool, it may be possible to fashion it out of objects at your disposal. This compilation is filled with handy tricks to make useful items using repurposed materials. Some take more time and preparation to carry out, but others will be helpful in getting out of trouble if ever in an emergency. Read on to know how to survive in the wild.
Make a DIY irrigator to flush out wounds
When out enjoying nature, it is not uncommon to experience some cuts and bruises. In such cases, it is vital to clean any wound properly so it does not get infected. After all, nature is not the place to have to deal with infected injuries. The easiest way to do that is to flush out the wound.
This can be done by putting together a makeshift irrigator. Just punch a small hole through the cap of a plastic water bottle. This will provide a stream of clean water that’s strong enough to flush away any dirt that may be lying inside the cut.